Maths - No Problem!

On Friday I had some time to look at the maths resources on offer and attend a webinar on Maths - No Problem! 

It reinforced to me that, if I was to choose a resource to support our maths programme, I would choose Maths - No Problem!

Maths - No Problem! have a NZ specific edition and Year 0-1 is play-based white Year 2-8 has textbooks/workbooks.

The workbooks are thin so that they last better and children are expected to take just 10-15 minutes to work in their books because it is consolidation of learning.

There is a money component and there are some games suggested. 

It is Mastery-style, slowing down the content, teaching in depth and small steps. 

There are Math Teasers available for $30 per class group for advanced learners.

Just thought I'd pass on this information because there is a lot to consider when making this decision for the school.


Rotational Symmetry Year 1


Provocation: I’m curious to read the research/evidence basis for your methodology.