Day 1 for Year 1

Video - Count Dracula Number of the day - 1

Calendar - Look at the calendar and discuss the day

Today is Monday 1st of October

Clock - Look at the clock and discuss the time

The time is 1.40

It will be 2 o’clock in 20 minutes 5,10,15,20

Our number of the day, Te Tau o te Rā, is one Tahi

Here’s one circle on the tens frame

Here’s number one on the number line

I’ll put a one on the abacus

It’s in the one’s column

Children get whiteboards and Teacher Models

We’re going to write the number one

Let’s write it 10 times

What equations can we write for the number one?

We can write addition equations 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+1=4,...

We can write subtraction equations, let’s start with 10-1=9, 9-1=8, 8-1=7, etc.

Whiteboards Away

Slide - Measurement

What do you See, Think, Wonder?

I can see a baseball bat with a ruler that looks like a metre ruler


We’re going to measure length

We can use centimetres to measure objects

Here is a ruler with 30cm

Here is a ruler with 100cm - this is called a metre

This rod is 1cm long, this rod is 2cm, 3cm etc - point to the rods  on the wall as you do this

We’re going to find something that is shorter than 10cm and longer than 10cm and maybe even something that is the same length as this rod which is 10cm long

Look,  my little finger is shorter than 10cm

What's longer? 

The whiteboard is longer than 10cm, and what’s about the same?

My hand is about 10cm long

Children are invited to take a photo of their objects for Seesaw

Sharing time - show the Seesaw posts on the screen for discussion


Research Articles


Day 2 for Year 1